More progress on this new painting. I'm approaching this one similar to the last painting, Paris Passy Gate, and also to how I would do an oil painting. I'm doing a block in of all the color first, and then will go back and add details and value changes. This is what I call the teenager phase of the painting! I hope it grows up and turns out.
Work in Progress: Paris Passy Gate Now the Magic Happens
The block in for this painting Paris Passy Gate is complete and now I’ll move onto the next phase, pushing and pulling value and adding the details. I’m very happy with the initial washes and the texture I was after to convey the patina on this bronze gate. But over all the values are pretty mid-tone. I want to darken areas and lighten areas. That is what I mean by push and pull. I will pull lights out and forward and push darks back. The details I’ll add will be more emphasis on shadows and elements of the design that come after an initial wash. I really love this part of painting, it’s when the magic happens and it starts to come to life!
Work in Progress: Paris Passy Gate
I am always fascinated with details, behind the scenes and the logistics of doing certain things. I think that’s one of the reasons why I became a designer. In the past I have shown some work in progress photos of a painting after I had completed it. This time, I thought I would share them while I was actually doing it! It’s great for me to actually see the progression too. When you see the image on the computer monitor, it can be more obvious what tweaks or modifications need to happen! I hope those that are following my blog are enjoying this step by step process.
This phase of the painting I call the “block in” phase. I have not gone over very much of this a second time to make adjustments. Watercolor artists paint with this medium in so many different ways, wet on dry paper, wet on moist paper, wet on wet paper, glazing, etc. That’s what makes it so exciting to work with.
I like to try to get everything the way I want it the first time, however nine times out of ten that never happens! Therefore when everything is blocked in, I go on to the next phase. That’s when all the magic happens. Stay tuned!
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When Life Gets In the Way, Keep Painting
We have been undergoing a small renovation project on our house, part of which involves my studio. A project that started in June and should only have taken three weeks, for one shenanigan or another, has taken the better part of four months! Thank goodness it's not the kitchen! As for my studio, it has been a bit chaotic, but I'm staying positive and I'm still painting! New wood laminate flooring was installed last week. While some carpentry and painting work is being completed, I set up my painting table and easel in the middle of the room and I'm painting while keeping the carpenter company. I'm really looking forward to reorganizing my space and unpacking all of my art books which have been in boxes since May. I feel so fortunate to have such a nice roomy, well-lit studio to work in!
P.S. You can see a sneak peek of the progress of my current painting on the easel. :-)