I went out plein air painting this friday and last, in the community of Windermere, where I live and got a couple of good starts. I will finish them on site or in the studio. Why didn't I finish on site? Last week it was still pretty hot and as the sun shifted onto me, with sweat dripping on my work, it was time to call it quits. Today, I brought the umbrella, and had a great shady peaceful spot, until about a dozen kids that are home schooled came to the adjacent park for recess! It became super hard to focus. Oh well, they were having a great time!
My set up today with the umbrella
The top photo is one I did earlier this summer when the Flower & Garden Festival was on at Epcot. Every year, local residents loan their gorgeous bonsai, for the festival. Some are more than twenty years old! I always enjoy seeing them every year!
As Third Vice President for the Florida Watercolor Society, I will be at the annual convention all next week. However, I still get to paint plein air one day. I will be doing a one day plein air workshop with Steve Rogers! I can't wait! I am also the Social Media Chair for FWS. If you would like to see what goes on at the annual convention like the FWS Facebook page here.